How it works
Step 1. You configure your bearing
Step 2. You order a simulation report for your bearing
Step 3. We analyze your input and generate a complete structural elastic, nonlinear finite element model of the bearing
Step 4. We send you a detailed report of the simulation of your bearing
What is the "Configurator for bearing simulation"?
The "Configurator for bearing simulation" is an interactive web page,
that helps you enter geometry, material and load parameters for a specific bearing.
The current parameters configuration is shown on the canvas as an axial section view through the bearing.
After you change a bearing parameter, hit the return key to see the effect on the canvas.
The canvas will reflect the changes.
What can I do with the "Configurator for bearing simulation"?
You can use it as parameters source for the simulation of bearings.
When you are done with the configuration of your bearing, go the Step 2 (Order simulation report).
The simulation report is a HTML document containing pictures, animations and graphics of various simulation results.
How is the bearing simulated?
With the help of the Meshparts® software we generate a complete structural elastic, nonlinear bearing model based on your input configuration.
The simulation is performed with the help of the finite element analysis (FEA) software Ansys®.
What results does the simulation report contain?
The report includes:
Total deformation
Contact forces for each roller and each contact point (up to four contact points for each roller)
Contact pressures for each roller and each contact point.
Contact angles for each roller.
Length and width of each contact ellipse for all rollers and contact points.
How much does it costs?
Unless we have a special agreement, we price one simulation report for one bearing configuration at 300.- EUR.