1. Hex mesh
Improved CAD import template for GMSH: Cuboids are meshed with hex elements.
A cuboid is a volume with six surfaces, where each surfaces has four edges.
The new feature is available only for new CAD imports, since the .geo files must be updated.
2. Improved model tree
Positionings, Connections, LBCs items are removed from the model tree when corresponding parts are hidden.
3. New key bindings
- I: Iso view
- F: Fit to window
4. Improved „Fit“ function
The "Fit" function in the „Part offsets“ frame allows to fit the position and orientation of a part to other multiple parts.

5. New function „Duplicate relations“
New function "Duplicate relations..." is now available for model file items in model tree.
The function will automatically copy the connections, positionings an LBCs of selected source part to one or more target parts.
We strongly recommend that the target parts are other instances of same source part.

6. Changed default value
Changed default value of contact property "Initial penetration/gap" to "Include offset only, ramped effects" when contact type is „Friction contact“.

7. Changed default value
Changed default in the details frame "Generate connections" for the option "Search in parts" which is now active by default.

8. Improved selection filters
Auto deactivate other selection filters when parts or references filter is activated.
Auto deactivate parts and references filter when other selection filter is activated.

9. Improved selection filters
Auto deactivate other selection filters when parts or references filter is activated.
10. Find in assemblies
New advanced find function for the explorer tree "Find in assemblies".
The new find option helps you to quickly find all assemblies that contain a specific part or subassembly.
The search is performed as always in the selected directory of the Explorer tree.

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